LiT 1 – Literary Interpretation Fall 2018
Section B – W, Th, 9:20 – 10:30 am TA – Stephen Richter
Attendance Link: click or scan QR Code
Interactive Map of Early Modern London:
Wonderful video! Thanks Amani!
Morton Marcus Poetry Reading with Gary Snyder and Special Guest Tom Killion
November 15 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
The Annual Morton Marcus Poetry Reading honors poet, teacher, and film critic Morton Marcus (1936–2009). Marcus, a nationally acclaimed poet, called Santa Cruz his home for more than fifty years. This annual poetry series continues Mort’s tradition of bringing acclaimed poets to Santa Cruz County, continues to acknowledge the significant role poetry has played in our community’s history, and works to maintain poetry’s influence in our county’s culture.
Live Stream:
Aspern Papers Online (Gutenberg) click image below:
Questions of Form and Transadaption – from Novella to Opera:
Jaron Lanier: How the Internet Failed and How to Recreate It.
The internet as it exists might destroy our world. In the developed countries, its arrival has corresponded to bizarre political dysfunction, while in the developing world, ethnic rivalries that had been waning have been re-ignited in the most grotesque fashion. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The internet was supposed to empower people and enrich culture and democracy. What went wrong was based on a simplistic, nerdy philosophy. The solution can be discerned, and it involves creating and strengthening societal structures that are in between giant tech platforms and individuals. Click image below for UCSC THI’s Live Stream:

Striking Discussion: Hamlet and his Doubles
Be sure to look at A.C.T’s article on Hamlet and Doubling as well: Click images below:
As we discussed, Hamlet and his Doubles speak to the very essence of Theater as Artaud beckons and gestures for us to follow – from West to East, across time and space, beyond the textual, into the symbolic language of the Theater and its Double:
THE LANGUAGE OF THE STAGE: It is not a question of suppressing the spoken language, but of giving words approximately the importance they have in dreams. – Antonin Artaud
“[I]t is the mise en scene that is the theater much more than the written and spoken play. I will be asked no doubt to define what is Latin in this way of seeing opposed to mine. What is Latin is this need to use words to express ideas that are obvious.
In any case, and I hasten to say it at once, a theater which subordinates the mise en scene and production, i.e., everything in itself that is specifically theatrical, to the text, is a theater of idiots, madmen, inverts, grammarians, grocers, antipoets and positivists, i.e., Occidentals.”
Looking For Richard – take a look at the collaborative process of meaning making , context, and doubling with Alo Pacino…