Ku Kia’i Mauna

DAY 134

Janet Jackson in Oahu in support of Mauna Kea


DAY 57

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From @kahookahi : . .*PLEASE SHARE AND REPOST* @puuhuluhulu MAUNA ALERT! MAUNA ALERT! MAUNA ALERT! URGENT: Calling all Kiaʻi Mauna! After 56 days of peacefully protecting Maunakea and holding off the TMT, we have received information from multiple sources that has given us reason to strongly believe that law enforcement action to clear Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the Maunakea Access Road for TMT construction is imminent. Law enforcement action may begin as early as predawn Monday morning, and the Saddle Road highway may be closed as early as Sunday night, locking it down and blocking kiaʻi out. TMT will be meeting with State and County officials this Sunday to coordinate their attack on peaceful and nonviolent protectors of Maunakea. We are asking all Kiaʻi Mauna to come to Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu before Sunday evening and to be prepared to stay as long as you can. We need as much people as we can get to stand in Kapu Aloha to protect Maunakea from further desecration through the building of the Thirty Meter Telescope. Kiaʻi coming to Maunakea should be prepared to camp out at Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and should bring clothing and supplies suitable for cold weather and harsh conditions. Kiaʻi should also come to the Puʻuhonua with a true commitment to protect Maunakea in Kapu Aloha, peace, nonviolence and respect. Our strong commitment to Kapu Aloha is the foundation of the success of this movement, and our success moving forward relies on it as well. To all of our Kiaʻi Mauna, now is the time. Maunakea needs you. See you on the Mauna! *PLEASE SHARE AND REPOST* #KūKiaʻiMauna

A post shared by THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM EXISTS (@deoccupyhawaii) on

To see our Kapuna dancing and singing with Damian Marley was such a beautiful experience. Mahalo Damian!


DAY 13






DAY 12

The Rock’s Post:


Jamaica Osorio’s beautiful poem:

Tell me how to fill this quiet ⠀
This waiting ⠀
This time expanding ⠀

Seconds, turned minutes, turned hours ⠀

How strange this discipline ⠀
That has us anxiously waiting for the violence ⠀
Coming for our bodies ⠀
Has us counting the days ⠀
Since the last assault ⠀
Has us hoping ⠀
Today is the day we will stand again ⠀

How compelling this aloha⠀
For a mauna ⠀
That was so shortly ago ⠀
A stranger ⠀
So recently unfamiliar ⠀
And now ⠀
With each waking I trace her spine⠀ into my morning horizon like a lover ⠀

And because of her ⠀
I wonder ⠀
What kind of loneliness will arrive in my departure⠀
What of me is being so firmly planted here that will have to be left behind ⠀
That will no longer be mine to keep ⠀
How much of this fullness and knowing ⠀
Will turn to cavern ⠀
Will turn to question ⠀
Will turn me inside out ⠀
Longing for this pilina again ⠀

What violence waits for me ⠀
Caught in the noise of civilization ⠀
Praying for when I can come back ⠀
To her ⠀
This place ⠀
And all the aloha ⠀
I never knew I needed ⠀
But now can’t seem to live without ⠀

DAY 11


DAY 10


Ilima-Lei Macfarlane arrives on Mauna Kea

Tonga Arrives on Mauna Kea

Surprise visit by Dwayne Johnson


Ku Kia’i Mauna!

Ilima-Lei Macfarlane says, “the gloves are off.”








Day 7

We came together at the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the Mauna Kea Access Road firmly united in our goal of protecting Mauna Kea. 

We gathered in Kapu Aloha–an embodiment of our fierce love for our akua and ʻāina, compassion for one another, and our commitment to peaceful, non-violent resistance.

In Kapu Aloha, we have been mindful that appropriate behavior at the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu established by the Royal Order of Kamehameha bars the use of weapons, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs of any kind, and even swearing.

We have engaged in or learned about Hawaiian cultural practices at the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the Mauna Kea Access Road, including pule (prayer), oli (chants), mele (songs), hula (dances), pāpāʻōlelo (conversation), and haʻi ʻōlelo (oratory)–connecting us more strongly to Mauna Kea and one another.    

We have seen a core team of cohesive, collaborative leaders–including a highly respected kūpuna council–collectively inspiring, guiding, and organizing those gathered. And we have followed their direction.

These leaders, along with many others who have shouldered various kuleana (roles and responsibilities), have effectively addressed challenges as they arise, such as the need for more lua and supplies, processes to greet newly arriving participants, and ways to have everyone safely crossing the roadway.

We have marveled at the generosity of one another and the larger community who have donated food, supplies and equipment, and their most valuable time in support of Mauna Kea.

We have seen everyone at the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu respond peacefully, calmly, and in a coordinated manner to the moment-to-moment threats of all of us being forcibly removed from the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the Mauna Kea Access Road.

We invite all others who would join with us to defend Mauna Kea in Kapu Aloha to come to Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and add your name to our participants’ registry.

Information Station for New Arrivals to the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu:

Semper Aloha!

11:00 am – Ku’ulei Perreira-Keawekane‘s “Songs for Mauna Kea” class in Ōlelo Hawai’i

Message for TMT and the University of California:



Standing Rock Sioux stand with the KIAʻI OF MAUNA KEA

Hawai’i Island Mayor Harry Kim’s visit to Mauna Kea:



U.S. Rep. & Presidential Candidate,Tulsi Gabbard’s message for the governor to withdraw his emergency proclamation for Mauna Kea and put construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on hold:


